How can you tell if your child’s daycare is good quality?
This week, we heard claims of shocking abuse and neglect in Australian childcare centers on ABC’s Four Corners program.This article was originally published on this website.
This week, we heard claims of shocking abuse and neglect in Australian childcare centers on ABC’s Four Corners program.This article was originally published on this website.
Cornell College Assistant Professor of Statistics Tyler George and one of his classes have taken part in a newly published study exploring how a unique computer game created a research experience that engaged students.This article […]
Can you tell fact from fiction online? In a digital world, few questions are more important or more challenging.This article was originally published on this website.
A new study from the University of California, Berkeley, finds that student engagement across key areas of research university experience—academics, research, extracurriculars, civic engagement, and career preparation—declined during the pandemic and has yet to recover.This […]
Between 2021 and 2022, more than 1,600 titles were removed from U.S. schools and libraries at the behest of parents, advocacy groups, elected officials, etc. The paradox? Banning these titles often dramatically increased readership interest […]
In the first eight months of the COVID-19 pandemic alone, 166,000 child care jobs were lost across the nation. Significant recovery didn’t begin until the advent of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Child Care Stabilization […]
Applying for grant funding is a fundamental part of a researcher’s career. However, data from UKRI (2021–2022) indicate that principal investigators who are white and male are more likely to receive funding than women and […]
If lifting weights to build muscle can improve performance for weightlifters, can increased stamina in learning lead to smarter students?This article was originally published on this website.
Around one in five (over 19%) of India’s deaf and hard-of-hearing children were out-of-school in 2014, according to a survey conducted for the Indian Government. A new study calls on the government to address this […]
How do young children categorize objects?This article was originally published on this website.
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